Introducing our Friendship Bouquet, a perfect symbol of the warmth and joy that true friendship brings. This stunning arrangement features 12 radiant yellow roses, carefully handpicked to represent the sunshiny spirit of friendship. Our skilled florists have expertly arranged each stem with lush green foliage for a beautiful contrast. Whether you want to surprise your best friend or show appreciation to a colleague, this bouquet is sure to brighten their day and remind them of the special bond you share. Order now and let us deliver your heartfelt message of friendship.
Friendship Bouquet
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PriceFrom $70.00
Excluding Sales Tax
For all orders that choose to pay at the pickup location, we kindly require a $25 non-refundable deposit to confirm your order. To make the deposit, please use Zelle and send the payment to 770-873-6614. The remaining balance can be settled when you arrive for pickup.
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