Discover the elegance of the Minty Bouquet at Floreria Florentina, where every floral arrangement exudes beauty and sophistication. This refreshing bouquet combines vibrant greens and cool mint hues, perfect for any occasion. Floreria Florentina prides itself on delivering freshly picked flowers, ensuring each bouquet radiates freshness and quality. Ideal for expressing heartfelt sentiments or brightening up any space, the Minty Bouquet is a testament to our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Elevate your floral experience with Floreria Florentina's Minty Bouquet today.
Minty Bouquet
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For all orders that choose to pay at the pickup location, we kindly require a $25 non-refundable deposit to confirm your order. To make the deposit, please use Zelle and send the payment to 770-873-6614. The remaining balance can be settled when you arrive for pickup.
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